
Coffee shop to nowhere

So when i first wanted to start writing, as i do with most things, i wrote out the steps i think i'd take to make it happen. it went like this:
  1. collect random throughout the week in apple notes (least friction)
  2. consolidate into a somewhat cohesive thought in obsidian (would be cool to have singular themes for each post, but don't want to set limitations before i even begin)
  3. copy and paste to a new page in a notion database (publish page)

so that's easy enough. and now here i am, treating myself to some breakfast at a no-guest-wifi-cafe (hello Europe in Chicago?), with a "week 1" apple note that contains maybe ~3ish weeks of random thoughts.

i like the idea of weekly dumps, and making the theme of the weekly post on a central idea from that week, but this dump is just too large. my FOMO (on an idea) is too large. so i will break up "week 1" into a series of separate (fun fact: every time i type separate, i type it wrong, "seperate". i think my brain likes to spell and say words how they make sense to me as a way to remember it better) posts.

but you know what i like better than an idea? actually delivering. although i started this post a week ago, i didn't finish it in time for a "weekly" post. there's two reasons why:

  1. no clear direction (on what this post was going to be)
  2. all the thoughts deserve justice (they shouldn't be rushed)

so going forward, my changes will be two-fold:

  1. weekly thought note dumps -> thought dump + theme backlog
  2. weekly posts -> bi-weekly posts (thoughts need time to marinate and form)

the next couple posts will be based off some of core themes from that overflowing thought dump, such as:

  1. Luck
  2. Consistency & Executing
  3. Doing your own thing
  4. Writing
  5. Alternatives and Clickbait
  6. Achieving goals, structure, and serendipity
  7. Systems thinking
  8. The stories I tell myself

looking forward to it

p.s quotes ive been pondering:

  • "hardly any sentence, in public, comes out of mouth unless i've written it down once before" - neil degrasse tyson [link to tweet]
  • "People with very high expectations have very low resilience—and unfortunately, resilience matters in success" - Jensen Huang [link]